Hi! My name is Priscilla and I’m coming to you from the comfort of my living room couch. I just finished “working” for the day and I’m now relishing this moment. Why this moment? Because this is the moment, I introduce this MARKETING REVENUE MARVEL to you and, hopefully, begin setting you up for success.
Marvel? Really? I’m imagining those words are ringing in your ears.
You’re probably apprehensive, unsure the claims I’ve made to this point are remotely plausible.
Trust me, you’re not alone in this thinking. I’ve worked with countless people from all walks of life who always start with caution.
Heck, I was weary this was the best pathway forward once, too. NOT ANYMORE!
Instead, let’s flip the script. Let’s talk about what I’m no longer weary of after opting into this MONEY-MAKING ENTREPRENEURIAL PLATFORM.
Gone are the days of feeling eyes on me ALL THE TIME! My boss, my colleagues, my senior leadership team – it was getting to the point where 15 meetings a day to make sure I was getting my work done was the norm.
This includes working in the office, business trips and working from home! It’s a wonder I got anything done!
I think you have a keen understanding of what this begins to do to a person. I hope I’m wrong but it’s likely you are regularly experiencing the symptoms of this kind of abuse – unrelenting stress, financial anxiety, depression over personal and professional uncertainty, concern that at any minute you could lose your job, hopelessness, lack of interest in doing things you love… Need I go on?